EK Photography: Year In Review

As 2016 starts out furious and fast, I wanted to take a moment to reflect with an Elaine Kessler Photography year in review.

Elaine Kessler Photography had a year filled with beautiful moments and fantastic opportunities. I’ve photographed Santa, families, sisters, high school seniors (one with a bassoon) and my first same-sex wedding. There were also destination photo shoots, marketing photos for start-ups and shoots with large companies like Hyundai and Charles Schwab.

Professional head shots continue to be popular. A company might call us because they need updated employee photos for their new website. Most recently, our images were used for larger-than-life enlargements for each speaker at an international conference. Now THAT is a head shot.

The commercial photography we’ve done takes us all over the Phoenix valley, from the Phoenician to the Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

Our opportunities for community involvement ranged from the pARTnership Art Show & Sale to our Created Equal events. We were also honored to volunteer our time for Operation Welcome Home and FILM Photographers (gifting professional family portraits to those who may have a limited time left with their loved ones due to a life-threatening illness).

Elaine Kessler Photography

Elaine Kessler Photography

Elaine Kessler Photography

Elaine Kessler Photography

Elaine Kessler Photography

Elaine Kessler Photography

Elaine Kessler Photography

Elaine Kessler Photography

It takes many sponsors and volunteers to make these events a success and we’re grateful for the support we received in 2015.We are in our 3rd year as a member of the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce and appreciate their support. A special thanks goes to St. Xavier University for hosting our Created Equal event in November.

On a more personal side, I volunteered for my daughter’s yearbook club, working with 5th graders on the ideas, design and publication of the school’s yearbook. While the time commitment is great, it’s more than worth it.

I’m excited to announce that I was appointed as the vice chairwoman of the Human Relations Commission for the Town of Gilbert and look forward to making a difference in the community.

If you would like to be involved in Created Equal in 2016, we are looking for sponsors, volunteers and of course people to attend who are interested in having meaningful dialogues about these crucial topics. The next event will be in the fall of 2016.

We are so thankful for our clients and sponsors for making 2015 one to remember.

To stay updated on our plans for 2016, stay tuned to this blog or shoot us an email to be added to our mailing list: elaine@elainekesslerphotography.com



3651 E Baseline Rd
Suite e223
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Map + Directions

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